Love, Joy, Peace...
Use this form to let us know about decisions to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. And your  decision to be connected to Manna Columbus,  then click Submit.
Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Your Address
Please enter your full address - including city, state, zip. International Members - please include country.
Address #2 (Can be used for Apt/Suite number, etc) (Required)
I am a: (Required)
Please select which best describes you.
First Time Guest
Second Time Guest
Regular Attendee
My Decision Today: I want to... (Required)
Let us know if you made a decision today or if you want us to follow-up with you. Please select one.
Commit my life to Jesus
Get baptized
Renew my commitment to Christ
Become a committed member
Speak with a pastor
Questions? Comments?
How can you serve here at Manna Columbus? (Required)
By completing this form, you are committed to attending and serving in the ministry. There is a dropdown list of choices.
Your Phone Number
Age Group
Please select from the dropdown list.
Allergies or Medical Info
Please let us know if you have any serious medical conditions that the Leadership show know about.